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Necrete is dedicated to producing its products as carbon neutral as possible. Depending on the additives and other factors Necrete will decrease its carbon  emissions with 85% to a100% when compared to portland cement.

Sustainable development goals

In order to not just have a carbon emissions tunnel vision our KPI's are tracked based on the UN sustainable development goals.


Our Focus

We focus on four specific subjects in order to maximize our impact as a company, organisation and people. We couple each of these tiles to a specific aspiration and KPI's to achieve these. 


No fresh water used in production or cleaning



In order to limit our fresh water use during both production and cleaning we apply following KPI's to monitor it.

- Water use (in L/year)

- Rainwater caught (in L/year) and percentage utilized


Facilitate innovations in co-operation with our clients



In order to measure our impact on fostering innovation within our own market and those of our clients we apply following KPI's.

- Did we outperform a targeted cement based product with Necrete in a given market (Yes/no)?

- Did we move into more applications (in percentage of applications increase in comparison to last year)?


Limit prodcution waste


In order to measure our commitment to reduce waste streams we use following KPI's to achieve this goal

- How much of the incoming materials have been made into sellable material (as a percentage of outgoing on incoming)


- How much material has been reworked by our clients (in Mtons/year)


Lower the carbon footprint of sector


In order to make sure we achieve our ambitious carbon footprint goals we use following metrics and KPI's to track them.

- All our products have a carbon footprint that is 85-100% lower than traditional portland cement(*) andon average a 90% lower. (yes/no on a yearly basis)

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